baptised JW is by no means a guarentee they are a JW or even a good one if they are. Dont get fooled into thinking a 'bonafide babtized JW' is a good catch.
what does everyone think, is dating avenues really that big of a deal?
i have been told by everyone on my congregation to not trust online dating.
especially if this is supposed to be the "truth".
baptised JW is by no means a guarentee they are a JW or even a good one if they are. Dont get fooled into thinking a 'bonafide babtized JW' is a good catch.
since coming to know ttatt, i have always wondered if there are others in the congregation who also share similar experience with me, are there pointers to identifying others who are also faking meeting attendance and fs activities..
i wonder, looking back, if those who got shepherding calls and were soradic at meeting were actually awake, that those who were in good standing yet never seemed to really do much were not also fully awake and just faking it...
i was just wondering i have a friend who is getting divorced.
she is 32yrs old and has 4 children ranging from 10 yrs old to 18 mths old and i wonder if she can ever really date again?
she's a really pretty woman but still i wonder.
is she dating material?
well that depends on the guy does it not? I had a best mate that was unable to father children, he married a woman with 3 because he wanted a family.
Myself in all my dating i dated a few women with children. After a while i found i just could not deal with raising someone elses children when i was unable to raise my own and decided it was best all round to limit the dating field to ladies with grown up children or those who had none.
In no way were they considered a trap, a future child support risk etc, some of them were looking for new daddy for the kids and i just knew that guy was not me.
I hope she finds a guy who thinks she and the kids are the best package on earth...
for a religion that claims to be "fearless and bold" the watchtower has avoided writing about islam and muslim practices and how they are part of babylon the great.
the attacks on christendom are not a bold move because the "tower" and "gb" know the christian church is not going to send a suicide bomber into a kingdom or district convention.
it's not fair to christendom to receive all the hate speech from the "leaning tower of brooklyn", why don't they write the truth about islam?
possibly also because they are 'in bed' with Islam... i refer to the OSCE and the co-hosting of discusssions regarding persecution.
I agree that the catholic and protestant churches are easy targets for the WT. While they try to convert Muslims, they use the lie side of the mouth, the propaganda side, in the literature.
They only talk about them in a soft way, appealing to muslims love for allah etc etc they are shit scared to go all rutherford on them
just had a sick conversation with my jw father when picking up by kid.
dad: so things looking really bad in n korea huh?.
they rattle the cage every few years and everyone seems to just appease them.. dad: yeah, but this new guy, i mean he is just sounds plain crazy.
paranoia and fear = believers
the watchtower has built a global empire for itself on that one concept. They will milk this like any other situation, the whole concept is so well entrenched that the WT does not even have to say a thing! The JWs do it for them, perpetuating the mantra ''the end is nigh''
The powers that control the corporation must surely sleep with smiles all night
if i remember correctly there were more than 100 million books distributed around the world in the the 1960`s.. and if i remember correctly it was listed amongst the ten most distributed/published books by the guiness book of records .. and if i`m not mistaken "paradise lost to paradise regained" was also on this list.
and even in one year about that time their were no less than four of the societys publications on the 10 most distributed books ever.
at that time.. how much of what was printed in those publications then, is relevant to what is beleived today.
I saw a 1968 version in a booksale last week for 50c...nearly bought it.
A lot of what is in those books still holds today, just regurgitated in different words and phrases.
The real important stuff, probably not so applicable, by important, I mean the not 'theocratic fluff' but the real doctrinal stuff.
oh, and yeah we all though how incredible it was to have these books on the number one most published/ distributed list...i too could have a million seller if i had millions of people hawking my crap too.
jehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
------posting copied from h2o-----.
posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
What they have done in 12 years is get harder. more demanding of time, money and especially OBEDIENCE. this is not a religion about to soften, in my opinion they will get harder still, and go more underground and reclusive. The GB will do what ever they see fit to keep a core loyal membership and let the rest go to 'hell'. Oz
as most suspected, the wts filed their brief, at least it looks that way.....
it also notes aob in excess of word count limit.. wonder if they did that to buy more time?.
David 10... ''I said in another thread that the Society has something up their sleeve, and, believe me, they do.''
What do they have up their sleeves that you say we should believe you about?
please explain...
dear abby: my boyfriend was raised in a family that didn't celebrate holidays, including birthdays.
they converted to that religion when he was 10, and while he no longer identifies with that religion, he still doesn't recognize any celebrations.. i was raised with all the traditions surrounding the holidays and the family time that comes with it.
i feel they are very important.
unfortunatly Abby is right
kick his butt to the kurb.
i have a new poll at as i am very interested to see what people have moved on to believe.
as this is considered sensitive by some, you can answer anonymously at the, or answer on this thread.
this is what i have created in the list, but feel free to add comments, corrections, or options i have missed.. .
I mean, i went from JW with all the beliving in jehovah, then while i was still in it went to belief but he doesnt care about individuals, then i left and went Deist, he is there but has no interest in earth, to now...I just dont give a damn if god is there or not.
GOD has become irrelivant.